Hugo Escafit

Hugo Escafit

Hugo Escafit

Announcing our Monorepo Feature: Partition Rules

Monorepos have become increasingly popular in recent years as they provide a centralized place for storing code for multiple projects or services. However, managing a monorepo can be challenging, especially when it comes to merging pull requests. This is where our merge queue and its partition rules feature come in

Hugo Escafit

Trunk-Based Development vs Git Flow: When to Use Which Development Style

Nowadays, there are plenty of software development methodologies. These range from extreme programming and lean software development to constructionist design and Agile Unified Process. All these development methods have their set of advantages and disadvantages. However, two of the most popular among software developers are trunk-based development and Gitflow. They

Hugo Escafit

I Lost 15% of my Engineering Team. How to Make More With Less? Tips to Maintain Your Productivity

This article is the following the first one ''I lost 15% of my engineering team. How to make more with less? Tools to maintain your productivity''. As you noticed in the title, we already talked about tooling before and how it could be important to companies.

Hugo Escafit

Announcing Datadog Integration

At the core of every new integration lies the needs of our clients; in this instance, they requested the integration of Mergify into Datadog. This may seem unusual at first, but there is a valid reason behind it. To effectively monitor and manage developer teams, it is crucial to have

Hugo Escafit

I Lost 15% of my Engineering Team. How to Make More With Less? Tools to Maintain Your Productivity.

With the economic situation, many companies, such as Meta, Amazon, and Twitter, are shifting, modifying strategies, taking actions and cutting costs. They must act fast and strong as they feel the cost variation triggered by inflation. As investors require companies to be profitable, big lays-off worldwide are being triggered. Facing

Hugo Escafit

GitHub Security – Best Practices to Protect Your Repositories and Metadata

Millions of open-source and commercial software projects use GitHub as their default hosting service, enabling developers from various locations to work together on shared codebases. Let’s look at the numbers: GitHub has recently announced that 100 million developers are now using the platform, making it an integral part of

Hugo Escafit

How to Automate the Code Merging Process

Tired of handling merges manually as your team develops? It may be time to automate code merging instead. Merging code in Git can be tedious and time-consuming, leading to missed milestones and more in particularly dire cases. Automation is a great solution, but you'll need to use it

Hugo Escafit

Code Coverage vs. Test Coverage: Which Is Better?

Developers working on particularly complex projects need to constantly monitor the state of their code and all contributors' code to ensure it remains functional when deployed. Bad code tends to creep in unannounced, and it takes considerable effort to detect issues manually. Enter code coverage and test coverage to

Hugo Escafit

6 Best Practices to Review Pull Requests in GitHub

Code review is an integral part of the software development process. It helps ensure that code is efficient, secure, and maintainable. Pull requests in GitHub are an effective way to manage code reviews. But bad pull requests slow down the development cycle and lead to low code quality. Therefore, following

Hugo Escafit

Regex 101: Everything you need to know

Text processing automates the analysis and sorting of unstructured text data. Machine learning models can use this structured information to generate new text, manipulate the existing text, or get insights from it. In this article, we’re looking at a robust and efficient text-processing approach: Regex. Regex has individual syntax,

Hugo Escafit

Git Merge vs Rebase: What's the Difference?

The field of software development has undergone numerous changes over the years. These changes have brought about major revolutions in designing applications and writing the code that makes them work. As development teams worldwide have grown increasingly complex, so have the tools they regularly use to synchronize their work. Git

Hugo Escafit

How to Protect Secrets When Using GitHub Actions?

With the launch of GitHub Actions, GitHub has taken the DevOps world by storm. All the new buzzwords, such as Serverless, Functions as a Service (FaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS), have become much more accessible. GitHub Actions are a new breed of FaaS. This new service allows anyone