Post Mortem of Incident 2024-09-17
On September 17th, 2024, Mergify service went down from 07:45 UTC to 09:35 UTC. Due to the nature of the incident, we think it would be interesting to share with our users the context of this incident, how we handled it, how we restored the service, and what
The future of Merge Queue
We’re about to reinvent our Merge Queue, even though it’s already working well for hundreds of organizations. We’re driven by the need to stay ahead. This change might cause temporary discomfort, but it’s essential to keep pushing forward and delivering an even better system for our users.
Mergify News: Merge Protections & Chrome Extension
Today, we are thrilled to announce not one but two new features to illuminate your day! Introducing Merge Protections 🛡️ Designed to complement GitHub’s branch protection and rulesets, Merge Protections allows for advanced customization and control over your merge workflows, addressing the specific needs of your projects. While GitHub’s
Truncating your SQLAlchemy/Alembic Migrations History
This article talks about the versioning of databases in a Python app with SQLAlchemy and Alembic and shows why and how Alembic history should be truncated to better maintain the history.
Ensuring Seamless SQL Migrations in Production
Learn how to test SQL migration scripts in your CI/CD pipeline with PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, and Alembic. This guide explains creating and comparing database schemas, handling migration script evolution, and overcoming challenges like column order differences.
Top CI/CD Pipeline Monitoring Tools and Features
CI/CD pipelines are like hearts and arteries, pumping code lifeblood from development to deployment. But, like any high-stakes operation, you need the right tools to monitor the heartbeat of your pipelines. Here's a look at the top 7 CI monitoring features from leading CI/CD tools.
Enforcing Best Practices and Easing Onboarding with a Merge Queue
By encapsulating best practices and workflow rules within the Merge Queue configuration, it acts as the keeper of order, allowing you to automate, and enforce a healthy development process while easing the onboarding of newcomers.
Road to CI/CD - How to Automate your Tests Suite? A Step-by-Step Guide
Test automation in software development enhances efficiency and reliability. It offers rapid feedback, consistent execution, and broad test coverage. This article explores strategies for automating tests, from unit to end-to-end, highlighting their crucial role in modern development.
Continuous Merge and Continuous Delivery - Level Up Your CI/CD Pipeline
CI/CD is your invaluable power-up, propelling you forward and ensuring that you're always ready for the next level. Let’s dive into how Continuous Merge and Continuous Delivery can be your game changers, turning potential development roadblocks into smooth pathways to success.
Changelog Unleashed: Mergify's Leap into Automated Feature Announcements
In this blog post, we are diving into the process we created to generate our changelog, hence announcing our new features each time a pull request is merged.
Stop Reverting your Commits, Use a Merge Queue: A Guide for Modern Developers
In this article, we explored the importance of stopping the habit of reverting commits and embracing the use of a merge queue in your CI/CD pipeline to secure the merging process.
CI Monitoring Best Practices 2024
This article explores the best practices for CI monitoring in 2024, offering insights for teams aiming to enhance their CI strategies.