
Experienced software engineer, you have a good technical background and you want to move on, these articles are for you.

Aniket Pal

Learn about the most used flow: GitOps

Meet Bob, a software developer from France. Being a senior developer and working in a startup, Bob develops, deploys, and maintains his application on his own. Until the point when he came to know about GitOps, he maintained deployment pipelines which also had a lot of manual processes and requests

Julien Danjou

Running GitHub Actions only on Certain Pull Requests

GitHub Actions is powerful and allows you to run various workflows on your pull requests. There is an entire marketplace of actions that you can use, reuse, and abuse. GitHub Actions became a defacto standard for many developer teams that want to run jobs when creating a pull request. This

Fabien Martinet

4 Reflexions on the design of the Merge Queue Freeze

Merge queues are at the center of the value offered by Mergify. The freeze feature we announced [] a few days ago gives our merge queues a whole new range of possible use cases. You can now make your queues follow your product development life cycle.

Fabien Martinet

How to handle checks timeout in an evolutive merge queue?

Merge queues are a core component of Mergify. We implement new features regularly to provide new use possibilities. Their core mechanics also need to be adapted to support such evolutions. While testing and ensuring that any pull request fits perfectly into the main branch, time is a dimension that can

Mehdi Abaakouk

Handling unexpected third party API changes

As you may guess, Mergify relies a lot on third-party APIs like the Stripe API [] or the GitHub API [] and their behavior. Like any third-party service, we need to deal with many things to ensure our integration never breaks.

Julien Danjou

Our 10 Heroku Tips & Tricks

Since its inception, the Mergify [] engineering team decided to focus on its product and not spend time building infrastructure. It made a lot of sense as we started as a small team of two engineers with low resources and that the first version of Mergify was an

Julien Danjou

How to solve Linus Torvalds' issues about GitHub

While Linus Torvalds is well-known for Linux, he's also reputed for not having his tongue in his pocket. He is often complaining loudly about what he thinks is wrong or damageable to the industry. As the creator of Git 15 years ago, it's interesting to hear

Julien Danjou

How to Resolve a Merge Conflict?

GitHub makes collaborating with many different people on a single piece of code or software much easier by managing the details involved in version control alongside your project's evolving history. This makes it especially useful for comparing code changes as they come in and sorting out differences between

Camille Clarret

The Essential GitHub CLI Commands

Last September, GitHub launched GitHub CLI 1.0 and brought GitHub to the terminal. GitHub CLI is GitHub command-line interface. It brings pull requests, issues, and other GitHub concepts to the terminal next to where you are already working with Git and your code — according to its documentation [https://cli.

Julien Danjou

Replacing Dependabot Preview auto-merge feature

We all knew it was going to happen anyway. GitHub just pulled the plug and removed Dependabot Preview. Dependabot was absorbed by GitHub 2 years ago now, and it seemed logical to phase out the Preview version of it. More than 30,000 organizations relied on this fabulous tool to

Mehdi Abaakouk

Managing data retrieval in React

Consuming API in React sounds straightforward. Fetching data can be resumed by using the `fetch` function and getting back the value. Using this simple approach would be fine if everything always worked as intended. However, fetching data is way more than retrieving some value. You have to deal with unexpected

Julien Danjou

(Un)signed commits: how we found a (non) security bug in GitHub

When you build an entire software around someone else API, you tend to know everything about it. We made Mergify [] on top of GitHub API, and it's hard to describe how well we understand its API. From its fabulous and beloved features to its most