Feature Branch: A Quick Walk Through Git Workflow

The main idea in a feature branch workflow is that development for each feature happens independently instead of in the main branch. That makes it easier for developers to work on different features without hindering or interfering with the main trunk. It also allows continuous integration since broken code never enters the main branch.
A feature branch Git is usually a branch created off of the main branch. It is for developing a single feature or addressing a single issue. This guide talks about feature branch workflow and how it works.
What Is a Feature in Git?
In Git, a feature is an attribute or characteristic that adds value to the product. It could be a new feature, an improvement of existing features, bug fixes, or any other changes.
A feature branch is a type of branch in Git typically used to develop new features for the software. When a feature is ready for release, it is merged back into the main branch.
What Is the Difference Between a Branch and a Feature Branch?
A branch is any line of development in a version control system. It could be the main branch of a feature branch. Meanwhile, a feature branch is a type of branch created for developing and testing a new feature.
How to Create a Feature Branch in Git?
When creating a feature branch GitHub, you must start with the main branch. Here's how to create a feature branch workflow.

Start the Main Branch
The main branch is the central trunk in which all feature branches integrate. The command for fetching the main branch is:
git checkout main
git pull
The command will pull the latest resets and commits. It will also switch the repo to the central branch.
Create a New Branch
You can create a separate branch for each feature. Here's the command:
git checkout -b new-feature
- The command will create a new feature branch on the main branch. When it comes to feature branch naming, start with a category. The main types are:
- Bugfix
- Feature
After the category, add a '/' and write the reference of the ticket or issue you're working on. In the absence of a reference, write no'ref.
Push Changes and Make Commits
Now, you can update this branch by pushing changes and making commits. Here are some commands for that:
git add <some-file>
git commit
Push It to Remote
You should push the feature branch to remote to keep a backup in the central repository. It helps you collaborate with other developers since they can see the commits you've added to the new branch. Here's the command:
git push -u origin new-feature
Resolve Feedback
Now that everyone in your team can see the feature branch, they can provide feedback. Keep an eye on the comments, fix bugs, and resolve all feedback before merging it into the main branch.
Merge Pull Requests
If other developers in the team have made changes to the repo, you must resolve conflicts before merging your feature branch. After you approve the pull request, you can merge it with the main branch.
When developers complete a feature, they do not immediately merge it into the master branch. Instead, they push this branch to the central server, filing a pull request. The pull request asks the team to review any changes before adding them to the main branch.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Feature Branch vs Release Branch?
The feature branch is the branch of code or set of changes, created when you are working on a specific feature. It is separate from the main or master branch of the project. A feature branch allows you to work on the feature without affecting the main branch.
Once a feature is complete, you can merge it into the main branch. Meanwhile, the release branch constitutes a comprehensive feature set. The only commits on it are for chores or bug fixes.
What Is Develop and Feature Branch in Git?
A develop branch contains the pre-product code. It is the central repository of changes before they are released. Feature branches are created from the develop branch. When developers finish work on a feature branch, they merge it into the develop branch. The develop branch then merges into the main branch.
How Do I Get to a Feature Branch?
Use the command "$ git branch -a" to list all branches. Then, use this command to check the branch you want to use: $ git checkout <feature_branch>. You can also see the feature branch Gitlab using the "git checkout" command. It will prompt the switch from the main to the feature branch.
Make Code Merge a Breeze
When you create feature branches, reviewing the code before merging it is important. Manual pull request management can be time-consuming. Mergify resolves this by letting you automate code merges by using Merge Queue to update, queue, and merge pull requests. Request a demo to see how it works.