Mergify Changelog 2021Q1

Mergify Changelog 2021Q1

Another quarter passed, and it's now an excellent time to reflect on what changed for Mergify over the last three months.

Multiple Queues

One of our major projects over the last quarter is introducing the new queue action. The queue action should supersede the strict merge mode from the merge action in the future.

If you want to learn more about this feature you can read our recent announcement.

This new queue action allows you to define multiple queues with different priorities and varying merge conditions. Our documentation shows a few examples of how you can now insert high-priority pull requests as soon as possible in the queue, bypassing regular pull requests.

Speculative Checks

As part of the new queue action we just talked about, we introduced speculative checks. This innovative feature allows users of merge queues to test pro-actively the enqueued pull request. Rather than waiting for the current CI jobs to finish, Mergify will create temporary pull requests to test enqueued pull requests enthusiastically.

You can read about speculative checks configuration in our documentation.

Backport Improvements

The backport and copy actions saw their number of options slightly grew. You can now add labels to the created pull requests using the labels option and set assignees using the eponym option.

New backport and copy actions options

Command Defaults

We added a new section to our configuration file named defaults. Using this new directive, you can configure the default option values for any action. That also means commands will use those configuration values now, making it possible to configure their default behavior.

The defaults documentation

Status Page

We upgraded our service status page to include real-time information and metrics. It also provides status about some of the GitHub services we rely on. That allows you to be aware of outages that could impact Mergify but where we can't mitigate the issue.

As we hope you'll have no chance ever to see this page, we've included a screenshot below.

Mergify new status page

This new page allows you to subscribe to our status update via email, Slack, Twitter, or RSS; feel free to subscribe right now to be kept up to date with our future outages (I like how we make outages sound like a nice feature now 🤔).

We hope you'll enjoy Mergify during this next quarter. Stay tuned for more update soon!

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